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Moon Dream Catcher

Posted on February 09 2015

Moon Dreamcatcher

Dream catchers are a gift from Grandmother Spider. She gave us her web to protect us against all bad medicine while we sleep at night. All good and bad dreams are caught and get tangled within the web. Good dreams find their way through to your spirit through the feathers that descend from the web. Bad dreams get lost in the web and are destroyed by the next morning sunlight. The unique one of a kind sparkling beading in the web symbolize how the morning dew sparkles from within the web in the morning sunlight.
This Moon Dreamcatcher was inspired by Grandmother Spider. The story was told to me by my Grandmother in my younger years. The dark blue cut glass beads represent the night and the white beads represent the twinkling starlight. In the middle is Grandmother Spider finishing her web sitting in the center is antique Swarovski Crystal which is the moon. Here she sits probably guarding those who sleep before her.
You should hang your Dreamcatcher above you when you sleep and the sunlight can gaze upon it. In these times you should hang it in the window of the room you sleep in, so that the sunlight of the new day can always smile upon you each new day.
Mitakuye Oyasin
One of a kind Dreamcatcher available now. 
Medicine by: 
Storyteller and artist Crying Bear
Click the picture for product.
Love and Light, Stormie 


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